Monday, April 22, 2013

Back to the Hospital

Mom ended up taking Dad back into the hospital this afternoon. 

After throwing up twice, the doctors thought he should be brought into the ER.  After some blood work, an ultra sound, and a few hours on IV's he is being admitted to the hospital. Currently they are still both waiting in the ER for a bed to become available.  Mom feels that the doctors are not to concerned with this set back in the big picture, its more just a bump in the road.

Hopefully all the test the doctors run today and tomorrow don't reveal any major issue or set backs.

Before the removal of the hated beard.
Thanks for all the prayers, notes, and letters.



  1. Thanks for the update Peter, we'll be praying all is well and this is a small "bump"
    Deb Boomsma

  2. We appreciate you taking the time to update this for us. We are praying too. Please do keep us posted on your dad!
    Sherry Miller (for all of us!)
