Sunday, May 12, 2013

One Month Transplant Anniversary, Profession of Faith, Mother's Day

Dear Family and Friends,

Today was 1 month ago that Gary had the Kidney and Pancreas transplant.  Overall it was a "quiet" day today for Gary.  He seems to be getting better each day with his eating and drinking, we checked his vital signs several times today (standing/sitting blood pressures, pulse, temperature, blood glucose, and weight), he used his spirometer several times, took a long walk for him (around the block), rested in his recliner, took his many pills at the various times that he scheduled for them -- you get the picture.

Today was also the Profession of Faith of our two youngest children.  Gary would have really liked to have been there and we had tried to figure out ways of possibly getting him there with as little exposure to others as possible, but in the end, he realized himself that it would not be a good thing especially since he does experience some dizziness and lightheadedness and had some at home, so, all of us went and left Gary at home by himself with strict instructions as well as one of his favorite TV shows (M*A*S*H) on in the DVD player.  Our church services are video taped, so we ordered one for him.  We, along with several of the other families, served cake to the congregation after the service in honor of kids who made Profession of Faith.

Our Children's Church children also sang in church this morning which they do every Mother's Day.  I play piano for them which I really enjoy.  It's always so fun to see their joy and excitement as well as to hear what they have to say.  They are a good group of prayer warriors when they know that someone is ill or is having surgery and they have such genuine faith.  I often think of the the Bible verse Matthew 19:14.

My children and husband surprised me with flowers today -- I had no idea how they did it, but this morning, they appeared on my kitchen counter with a card signed by all of them as well as Gary.  It was fun to hear what they had done without me even being aware of it happening -- I know it helped that I was busy and tired.  This afternoon, Laura's parents invited those of us who could come (Stephanie, Andrew, and I were able to go) to join them and Bradley and Laura along with Laura's Grandma and Grandpa, for lunch at their home for Mother's Day and Andrew and Stephanie's Profession of Faith.  We had a nice time there too.

We have so much to be thankful for over this past month and we feel so blessed.  Here are a few things that come to mind:

1) The Family that gave us the wonderful gift of their loved one's organs -- their loss was our gain.

2) The doctors, nurses, nurse techs, housekeeping, transport people, meal makers and passers, security guards,  people who greet us and give us our name tags when we enter the hospital and so many others we've encountered at UIC -- each of them plays an important part in Gary's care and healing and each part is important.

3) Our immediate and extended families, friends, our "family" at Faith CRC and also at Timothy Christian School, and neighbors -- we appreciate all of your prayers and support in so many ways.

This only names a few things, but we are so thankful to God for all He has done for us and for the people who have and continue to walk with us on our "journey" as well as the people we have encountered a long the way (and we have met some "interesting" people!).  I've also realized that we are "witnesses" to each of these people.

God has truly blessed us and we say "thank you" for your continuing walk with us on this journey.  Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and support for us.

Nelly and family

                      Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
                              for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these."
                                                     ~ ~ Matthew 19:14

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