Saturday, April 13, 2013

From Bradley

Laura, Mom and I cam in this morning to check on dad.  We were surprised to see his bed empty as we were walking down the hall, as they have him sitting in a chair.  He is doing well and is more talkative than he was yesterday.  (Not sure if this is a good thing given his typical jokes, just kidding...) He is currently sleeping but we talked to him for a while.  Laura and I had fun picking out some balloons to bring to him.  We were not quite sure what to get someone who had just had a transplant.  (We had thought about a bottle of pop, regular syrup, or a bag of sugar, since those were all things that he previously, was supposed to avoid.  We decided though that we should still be encouraging healthy choices)  Since there is not a traditional, "Happy Pancreas Transplant!", we had to customize some for him with a sharpie.  Sayings on them include "My dad has more kidneys than your dad..." "Is it pancreass, pancrei, pancrio, pancreases,..."  "Congratulations on your new kidney and pancreas" and "Its good morning time!"  The balloons brought a smile to his face.
Yesterday it was great to hear the Dr. say, "Congratulations you are no longer a diabetic."  Even though he was extremely tired and in pain I am sure that he was very happy to hear that after dealing with the disease for so long.  It has been a great couple of days with everything going smoothly.
Laura and I will be heading back home today.  Since he seems to be recovering well, we feel alright going home and getting caught up at our house.  With mom getting the call suddenly, we had to leave suddenly.  Thankfully our schools were very supportive and taking the day off yesterday was not a problem. 
Please continue to keep us in your prayers.  Dad's recovery will be slow.  Please also keep the rest of the family in your prayers as well.  Thankfully last night, everyone got a much needed night of sleep. 

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