Saturday, April 13, 2013

Surgery day - Friday, April 12

Gary is now in the surgical area. We met one of the surgeons and he said the organs look good. Surgery will be long. We have been told different lengths of time.Anywhere from 4to8 hours. Please continue to pray. Bradley, Laura, Andrew, and Stephanie have all left to get some sleep and Andrew and Stephanie want to go to school, or at least think they want to. I said it was ok if they change their mind. More later.

Love, Nelly

Surgery went well. Gary is in a lot of pain. His Kidney and pancreas are functioning! Doctor congratulated Gary -- he is no longer a diabetic! His sugar levels have remained steady.

Praising the Lord for His blessings and healing. Thanks again for your continued prayers.
Love, Bradley
Thanks for all your prayers.
To clarify how many Kidneys and Pancreases Dad has:
He has his two original Kidneys + one new Kidney. He has his original Pancreas + the new Pancreas. They keep all of the old organs in and just add the new ones under them.
Right now Dad is being given lots of fluids because once a Kidney is out of the body it starts to get dehydrated, this process is normal and the dehydration can be reversed. Dad will be in the hospital for at least another week as we wait to see if his body accepts the organs. We will continue to keep you updated.
Love, Stephanie

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